Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We started solids!

And look at the mess it makes! Just about once a day we get one of these explosions...I guess that's just part of it. The first time or two it was a little funny, now I just try to keep my food down while changing her! She's going to kill me one of these days, but doesn't she have the cutest little teaso (that's 'bottom' in Lebanese for all of you whities!)!!


The Curtis Family said...

Ya'll crack me up! Nothings changed since we've moved....I can still count on poop being one of the main topics of conversation around your household. Moving up to the next diaper size might help with some of that, even if she's not the poundage :)

Anonymous said...

Try Wal-mart White Cloud brand diapers...their cheaper and they work the best out of all the brands I have tried. Seriously....Since I tried them I refuse to use anything else. They hold tons of pee too. Try...I guarantee they work. Lucia had the same issue when she started solids....These really helped!